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Saturday, June 04, 2011

Submachine 5 : The Root Walkthrough

The Lab – 001
1. Click on the wheels to begin the game.
2. Pick up the NOTEPAD.
3. Go left.
4. Click the two handles and then click on the hatch to open.
5. Descend into the hatch.
6. Descend the ladder. (Note the number on the wall… 38C… I wish!)
7. Go left.
8. Press the power button on the computer.
9. Read about the wisdom gem and the coordinates for the root (552) and the machine (747).
10. Go right twice.
11. Press the button to open the door to the portal.
12. Enter the portal.
13. Go right and open the hatch.
14. Descend the hatch.
15. Descend the ladder
16. Go right.
17. Enter the coordinates for the root (552).
The Root – 552
1. Click behind the portal to climb down the cliff.
2. Descend the cliff.
3. Go right.
4. Pick up SECRET 1.
5. Climb back up the cliff to the portal.
6. Go right until you get to the cave.
7. Enter the cave.
8. Go right.
9. Pick up the LEAD CASING.
10. Click on the two clamps on the broken electrical plug.

11. Click on the electrical plug to release it.
12. Click on the panel on the wall.
13. Click on the electrical plug to connect the power.
14. Go to the right.
15. Descend the ladder.
16. Go to the right three times.
17. Ascend the ladder.
18. Go left twice and enter the observation room.
19. Pick up the WRENCH.
20. Exit the observation room and go right twice.
21. Descend the ladder.
22. Go left and descend the ladder.
23. Go right and use the wrench to remove the bolts on the wall panel.
24. Take the RUSTY KEY.
25. Go back up to the room beside the observation room.
26. Unlock the panel and take the CIPHER PLATE 1.
27. Go right, down, left, left.
28. Put the cipher plate in the second (right) slot in the wall panel that has a button on it.

29. Click the button on the wall panel (I’m going to call it a cipher panel from now on).
NOTE: at any time, press the button on an empty cipher panel (0,0) to return to The Root.
New Area – (0,1)
1. Descend the ladder.
2. Go left and pick up CIPHER PLATE 2.
3. Go right.
4. Descend the ladder(s) all the way to the bottom.
5. Click on the back wall to go left.
6. Move the metal panel that is lying on the back wall.
7. Use the wrench to remove the bolts.
8. Take SECRET 2.
9. Go right twice.
10. Look at the charger – you’ll need to remember where it is later.
11. Return to the cipher panel.
12. Put the cipher plate 2 in the first slot (left) on the cipher panel.
13. Press the button.
New Area – (2,0)
1. There are three pipes and a brick-covered doorway.
2. Go down each pipe and turn up the air.
3. Pick up the EMPTY COIL in the second (middle) pipe.
4. Take the coil to the charger in (0,1).
5. Turn the wheel three times to charge the coil.
6. Take the charged coil to (0,0).
7. Go right twice and stick the coil in the outlet.
8. Go back to the cipher panel and return to (2,0).
9. Go to the left twice and push the button on the wall panel.
10. Pick up SECRET 3.
11. Go back to the cipher panel and put the cipher plate 2 in the second (right) slot.
12. Press the button.
New Area – (0,2)
1. Go to the far left and turn the wheel.
2. Pick up SECRET 4.
3. Go back to (2,0). Wow! The brick-covered doorway is in smithereens!
4. Enter the doorway.
5. Take the WISDOM GEM 2.
6. Go left and up the stairs.
7. Take SECRET 5 from the chair.
New Area – (1,2)
1. A bit of a maze here – not sure what I’m supposed to do.
2. The wheels turn the arms on the three circles on the wall in the box room.
2. Each wheel corresponds to a different arm.
3. Use the wheels to line up the arms with the little claws.
4. Pick up the METAL BOX.
5. Look carefully at the lights on the wall. One of them doesn’t have a cage.
6. Pick up the LIGHT BULB.
New Area – (1,0)
1. What’s this? A bathtub of citric acid?
2. Put the metal box in the acid.
3. Pretty bubbles.
4. Uh oh. Now how do I get my wisdom gem?
5. Maybe I can figure out how to use the wrench to drain the tub.
6. Pick up the WIDSOM GEM 1.
6. Let’s go get that coil and put it in the outlet I saw on the way here.
7. Go to (0,0) and pick up coil.
8. Put the coil in the outlet in (1,0).
9. Go to (0,2) and read the symbols from the round displays on the walls.
New Area – (2,1)
1. Go up the ladder.
2. Use the buttons to move the grate.
3. Screw in the light bulb.
4. Enter the tunnel (left).
5. Go left.
6. Use the code from (0,2).
7. Press the circular button at the bottom.
8. Go down the ladder.
9. Use the lead casing to lift each block under the statue.
10. Go down into the hole.
11. Pick up the WISDOM GEM 3.
12. Go back to (0,0) and return to the portal.
13. Go to The Machine (747).
The Machine – 747
1. Put the WISDOM GEMS in the machine.
2. Pull the lever.
3. Off you go!

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